With the coronavirus outbreak still affecting us in Australia and millions around the world, we thought it would be a good time to check-in and see how you are all going. Watching the news can be pretty grim at the moment and you may be finding yourself asking the question, “When will there be any good news?!” This day-to-day bombardment of the effect of the virus across the world is enough to get the happiest of people down. We’re here to make sure you are keeping your mental health in check.
It’s Good To Talk

We ask you the question… What are you doing to look after your mental health? These past few months have been difficult and stressful times for many of us. Some of us are still feeling the effects, and many of us will feel these effects for some time to come.
If you are struggling on a daily basis and this pandemic has had a real effect on your mental health, you are not alone and help is out there. Being made to stay away from family members and friends is tough and some people, especially the elderly, will have found this extremely difficult at times. Please talk. A phone call or face-to-face video call (technology is great these days!) is a simple way to stay in touch with loved ones. Speak to someone close to you if you are struggling with personal circumstances. Getting a load off your chest is sometimes enough to make you feel relief, even if it doesn’t solve the root cause of the problem.
We understand that your problems may run deeper than this and talking to a loved one is simply not enough. The good news is there are lots of great people out there who are trained to work through such things with people. And even if you cannot get a one-to-one session in person where you live, many mental health professionals including life coaches, counsellors and psychologists are running phone or video sessions with their clients. We would recommend you chat to your GP or give Beyond Blue a call on 1300 22 4636.
Simple Tips For Keeping Your Mental Health In Check
Want some other ideas to help keep your mental health in check? Check out our list below for some go to’s:
- Exercise: It’s simple and well researched. Exercise helps to maintain good mental health. Even if you are in isolation, find a space in the house or outside in the garden and just move. Squat, lunge, hop, skip, jump, dance… We don’t care what it is, just move regularly (and safely please!).
- Eat well: Keep your diet clean and hydrate every day and you’ll be doing your bit to keep the body and mind functioning well. Vegetables and fruit of the green leafy and berry varieties are packed with nutrients that can help keep the brain healthy.
- Go to time-out: No, we don’t mean the naughty step, more so a quiet place where you can be with your own thoughts without the distraction of TV, tablets and other types of media. Read a book, take a bath, give the eyes and ears a rest from it all. It may be hard to break your screen habit, but trust us… It’s refreshing!
- Get out the colouring pencils: Yes adults, we are talking to you. Colouring is becoming a very popular ‘escape’ for millions of adults around the world. It has been shown to help reduce the effects of anxiety and stress. Get to your local book store or newsagent today, support local shops, and start getting creative.

Our message today is simple. Life is sometimes hard, but there is always action you can take to reduce the impact this has on your mental health. Talk. Move. Relax.
Enjoy and stay safe.
To view TM Physio’s Policy and Procedures for COVID-19 click here.